The Mysterious and Magical Land, Israel


There's someone say it's the only country he's ever been to without a bad review.

From the people, to the scenery, it is too beautiful to describe.

Even beyond the beauty of the mortal world ......

This fantasy land can say go without hesitated!


Israel, what's your first reaction when you hear about this country?

War, suffering, poverty, darkness...

None of this is what Israel really looks like!

The rich cultural feast and super diverse scenery will completely exceed your expectations!

You may stand in the name of war - Overlooks this devastated landscape from the Golan Heights


But you will be touched by the hearts of the pious and good people in the streets who yearn for peace.


You might head to the ancient medieval city to find stories of loss.


But the old city seaside carnival day and night happy atmosphere will pulled back to the feeling of vacation.


You might go to "Mirror of the World" and read a book floating by the Dead Sea to enjoy the wonders of nature.


But you'll be tempted by the bustle of local markets in the Middle East.


The only liberal democracy in the Middle East, a highly industrialized country;

In terms of religion, the three religions can coexist in one city;

Militarily and politically, Lebanon to the north, Syria and Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the southwest, it can be said that the enemy on all sides, in order to survive in the crevice.

It sounds controversial, contradictory, but different...


But whether it is the warm southern city, or the cold northern desert, as well as full of a variety of historical sites scattered legends.


²  Good Travel Time to Israel. Peak Season & Low Season.


Israel have over 300 days of sunny sky with nice breeze from the Mediterranean Sea.


High Season are the best season is for travel in Israel.

Spring ( March to May ) temperature is between 20-25 Celsius day time to 12-16 Celsius at evening time .

Autumn ( September to November ) temperature is between 20-25 Celsius day time to 12-16 Celsius at evening time .


Low season also a good time to travel.

Summer ( July August ) temperature is between 30-35 Celsius day time to 20-25 Celsius at evening time, with humidity over 80%.

Winter ( December to February ) temperature is between 18 Celsius day time to 10 Celsius at evening time, rainy can be one day a week or two, mostly sunny.


Holidy – Peak season.

Jewish new year – 3 days on moon calender ( usually September or october )

Passover – 7 days on moon calender ( usually March  or April )


1. Jerusalem - The mystery city in the world

The jewish bible the Talmud said:"the world if there is very beautiful,nine points in Jerusalem." 

Every day thousands of devout saints from all over the world come to Jerusalem to visit and worship. There has been a lot of controversy and disputes about it. As a worthy holy city, all the story begins here.

l  Temple Mount



For all three religions, the Temple Mount is the historic and spiritual center of Jerusalem.  The area around the Mount is where the religious sites overlap and indistinguishable from each other, so the feuds are deep and difficult to resolve. The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Hill is the most visible symbol of the city. On a clear day, among the gold bricks, the most dazzling dome will first appear before you.


l  Wailing Wall



In the Old City, there are Christian churches, Islamic mosques, numerous attractions, but the only thing do not to miss is the Western Wall. The Wailing Wall is actually a broken wall about 50 meters long and 18 meters high, made of about 600 boulders. The walls were mottled and overgrown with weeds. However, for thousands of years, whenever given the chance to return home, Jews would find this section of the parapet, the symbol of faith and suffering in front of the stone wall to pray deeply, crying about the pain of exile, then "Wailing Wall" named from it. The Wailing Wall has been a place of Jewish prayer and pilgrimage for many centuries.

l  Jewish Quarter



The Old City is divided into four quarters, the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter, the Jewish Quarter, and the Armenian Quarter, which you would not be able to visit in three days if you were to explore it carefully.  So if you want to experience the atmosphere of the Old City, the culture of the Holy City of the three religions, I suggest you stay in the Old City Jewish Quarter. Walking in the alleys crisscrossing the old city, stepping on the smooth stone steps, you can see a lot of old people so leisurely basking in the sun, smiling broadly. It has a medieval European feel, mysterious, clean and beautiful.

l  Mahane Yehuda Market



When you come to Israel, you get tired of seeing all kinds of religious sites every day. To experience the local life, you absolutely have to go to the market. The Mahane Yehuda Market is a famous local market in Jerusalem. It is mostly selling food, vegetables and fruits. There are cafes, supermarkets, restaurants, souvenir shops, clothing shops...Jews are good at business, the stall owners always smile to each other, often there will be a shop owner to let you try for free, it does not matter whether to buy. The prices here are relatively cheap for Israel.


2. Complex and mysterious ruins of the ancient city - Time flows through these buildings

Many people mentioned Israel, only know Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, or even the warring Golan Heights. But do not know this mysterious, full of charming color and so many amazing cultural cities.


l  Jaffa Old City



The ancient city of Jaffa is by the sea. Climb up the steps, and you can see the coastline at the top of the hill. In contrast to the blue and white Mediterranean style in Greece, Jaffa is particularly soft, blue-green. When the weather is beautiful, little golden houses of all kinds are arranged, and the beach is white and soft.  Walking through the old city's narrow alleys, you'll find a variety of quiet shops selling beautiful handicrafts at reasonable prices. Don't forget to find some goods to return to!


l  Old City of Acre



The ancient city of acra is one of the oldest cities in the eastern Mediterranean. It has not been heavily commercialized and retains a strong atmosphere of life. As a seaside city, the Arab community, here you can see the ancient Turkish style architecture, can touch the glory of the Crusades, but also can taste the authentic Arab food. Walk around the market in Akka and you will find that it is very different from the market in Jerusalem. The market in Akka is full of Israeli household goods. If you like to find the original, this is the place to go.


l  Tiberias



Tiberius, despite its small city, but it is the center of Judaism, with some remnants of ancient Tiberius. Because of its proximity to the Lake of Galilee, there are many restaurants along the lake. Walk into one and you can enjoy a delicious fish.  While enjoying the fish dishes that seemed to come from the depths of history with relish, and leisurely enjoying the clear mountains and beautiful waters in front of us, it is wonderful and comfortable.


l  Golan Heights



The Golan Heights is a war-torn land that has been contested as long as it has been inhabited. However,  when you stand  on this land, there is still a sense of peace. I don't know whether it is because of the perennial war, it is very cold here, and it is totally different from the warm south. When you stand on high ground and look down, you can see the land below that has been destroyed by countless battles. From the Golan Heights, there are snow-capped mountains, the Gobi and scattered villages, but it is desolate.


3. A modern city that subverts the imagination - Israel also shines day and night with endless prosperity

The image of Israel must be war or old ruins. What you don't know is that Israel has the highest economic development, commercial freedom, press freedom in the Middle East. You can't miss not only the ruins of the ancient city, but also the modern prosperity of the city.


l  Tel Aviv



Tel Aviv is often called "the city that never stops". The largest metropolitan area, the most densely populated area in the country and the economic hub of Israel.  It is considered to have a tendency to become a world-class city and is listed as the most expensive big city in the Middle East. In contrast to the slow life of the old city of Israel, Tel Aviv is full of life, culture, art, entertainment, and nightlife.


l  Haifa



Haifa is a port in northern Israel, facing the Mediterranean Sea to the west and backed by Mount Kamel. The third largest city in Israel, the city is peaceful, not as giddy as Tel Aviv. It is hard to imagine that it is a peaceful place in a land of war. Most people who come to Haifa must go to the Baja Garden, also known as the Hanging Garden, which is stacked and strewered from the air, like a sea terrace, and you can also see the whole scenery of Haifa from above.


l  Eilat



Eilat, the southernmost port city in Israel. Today, the coastal town with ten thousands population has become Israel's largest health resort and vacation destination. n addition to dolphin watching and water sports in the Cove, it's also a great place to dive. Dive into the Red Sea to get up close and personal with dolphins, or dive deep into the ocean to swim with fish and find wreckages of old ships.


4. A different Mediterranean style - Quiet and charming beyond war

In this Promised Land, we should forget the scars of history and the sufferings of war, except for the sun, sea and sand.


l  Sea of Galilee



Sea of Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, and the lowest elevation of freshwater in the world. The scenery is very beautiful, walking around the lake, you can see the reflection of the mountains in the water. From a far distance, you can see the Golan Heights  distance, and some nearby cities. If you have the time, you must take a boat ride on the lake, and watch the billowing water of Galilee in the sun, so calm that all the troubles seem to calm down in this pure land.


l  Dead Sea



The Dead Sea shone in the sun, shining like an ancient bronze mirror.  No birds frolicking on the shore, no weeds floating in the water, not even small fish and shrimp could be seen. It is the lowest lake in the world, with an elevation of minus 422 meters and the lowest point on the land surface. It is known as "the belly button of the world". If you have the chance, you must be free to float on the water and feel the wonders of nature. But be careful not to soak the sea water for too long.


l  Jordan river



Baptism in the Jordan River was an honor for every pious believer, who thought it would wash away their evil. The river fenced off a few vouchers for baptism, there are a lot of small fish. In contrast to the vast expanse of the Gobi, it is lush and shaded by trees. Scriptures related to the Jordan River in various languages on the walls quietly announce the miracles that have taken place here. In this quiet morning, holding the Jordan River in your hands, I believe your heart will be filled with emotion.


²  Some Useful Information

l  Currency: New Israel ShekelNIS. The dollar is the common currency in Israel.

l  The Sabbath: The standard work week is from Sunday through Thursday. Friday is a short work day and Saturday is a weekend vacation day.

l  Language: Hebrew. English here is absolutely universal, almost everyone is proficient.

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